promoting accessible websites
accessible websites relating to the internet
Other sub-directories in this section:
If a directory has a '@' symbol after it, then there are further directories within it.
website accessibility rating: good
Get Safe Online will help you protect yourself against internet threats. The site is sponsored by government and leading businesses working together to provide a free, public service.
Additional notes: none
Website Reviews [beta feature]
website accessibility rating: good provides a supportive, online environment and community for those with access problems resulting from disability, age or geographic barriers
Additional notes: none
Website Reviews [beta feature]
website accessibility rating: good
Afin de favoriser l'accès à Internet pour tous, la Ville de Metz vous présente son site médiateur.Ce site vous donne accès à un ensemble de services adaptés afin de vous accompagner agréablement dans la découverte des nouvelles technologies.
Additional notes: none
Website Reviews [beta feature]
website accessibility rating: good
Die Oesterreichische Computer Gesellschaft (OCG) ist ein gemeinnütziger Verein mit Mitgliedern aus den Bereichen der Wissenschaft, IT-Anwendung, Lehre und Ausbildung sowie Unternehmen des IT-Bereichs und einer großen Zahl von Einzelpersonen
Additional notes: none
Website Reviews [beta feature]
website accessibility rating: good
This site has been created as a venue for sharing information about the web content adaptability conferences in Australia.
Additional notes: none
Website Reviews [beta feature]
website accessibility rating: good
Sonokids Foundation is an international organisation developing attractive and educational web-and sound applications that are fully accessible. The Sonokids team is currently represented in Scotland, Denmark, the Netherlands and Australia.
Additional notes: high contrast versions available
Website Reviews [beta feature]
website accessibility rating: good
Website of freelance business and technology journalist Sean McManus, including extensive website design tutorials
Additional notes: none
Website Reviews [beta feature]
website accessibility rating: good
The objectives of Support-EAM are to develop a harmonised methodology used for assessing Web Accessibility (single-site or large-scale).
Additional notes: none
Website Reviews [beta feature]
website accessibility rating: good
Established by the Local Directgov Programme, the Usability Helpdesk provides both an online and telephone support facility to England’s Local Authority web community for queries regarding website usability and accessibility.The site is available to public sector users with a legitimate public sector email suffix.
Additional notes: none
Website Reviews [beta feature]
website accessibility rating: good
This is an WWW interface to the W3C public CVS tree, available under the W3C Software License. This CVS base is available read-only, using the CVS pserver authentication.
Additional notes: none
Website Reviews [beta feature]