promoting accessible websites
This directory contains blogs by amateur writers, online personal journals and personal websites
Other sub-directories in this section:
If a directory has a '@' symbol after it, then there are further directories within it.
website accessibility rating: excellent
Informationen zum Autor und dem Alinex System
Additional notes: none
Website Reviews [beta feature]
website accessibility rating: excellent
Doug Paulley's website
Additional notes: none
Website Reviews (1) [beta feature]
website accessibility rating: excellent
Hey! This is my personal website, so it's the best place to learn about me.
Additional notes: none
Website Reviews [beta feature]
website accessibility rating: excellent
This website is dedicated to showcasing the qualifications of Joseph Sack.
Additional notes: none
Website Reviews [beta feature]
website accessibility rating: excellent
This is me. These are my opinions. These are my dreams. This is my writing.
Additional notes: none
Website Reviews [beta feature]
website accessibility rating: excellent
Stories and such by Michael Barrish
Additional notes: none
Website Reviews [beta feature]
website accessibility rating: excellent
TinHat was originally created to provide useful privacy and security information to Internet and mobile phone users, with the minimum of jargon. Later it branched out into other areas where humans and computers come into conflict.
Additional notes: none
Website Reviews [beta feature]
website accessibility rating: good
Allan Rasmussen, 22 year old Dane, studying computer science.
Additional notes: none
Website Reviews [beta feature]
website accessibility rating: good
My name is Saima Yousaf. I am visually impaired and live in Pakistan.My reasons for turning my home page into an E/organization are; to pass on information, which may be helpful to other sighted, blind or visually impairedPeople, to promote awareness in society that a blind or visually impaired person can help themselves and other handicapped individuals and that handicappedpeople can and do maintain a positive attitude in every facet of their lives.
Additional notes: none
Website Reviews [beta feature]
website accessibility rating: good
The weblog of Jonathon Delacour
Additional notes: none
Website Reviews [beta feature]