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Accessible Rest of the World Government websites

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Ministry of Research, Science & Technology

website accessibility rating: fair what the website accessibility rating means

The Ministry of Research, Science and Technology (MoRST) is a New Zealand government department which develops research and innovation policies. MoRST manages the publicly funded part of the RS&T system on behalf of the Government. Our Mâori name, Te Manatû Pûtaiao, means "the Ministry for Science".

Additional notes: none

Website Reviews [beta feature]

National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (Thailand)

website accessibility rating: fair what the website accessibility rating means

Additional notes: none

Website Reviews [beta feature]

New Zealand E-government Programme

website accessibility rating: fair what the website accessibility rating means

The website of the New Zealand e-government programme. This site is a resource for government agency people in New Zealand who need up-to-date, easily accessible and authoritative e-government information & resources to assist them to achieve their agency’s e-government goals.

Additional notes: none

Website Reviews [beta feature]

United Nations

website accessibility rating: average what the website accessibility rating means

Additional notes: none

Website Reviews [beta feature]

Pages: 1 [2]

what the accessibility rating means.