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Accessible Wales websites

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The Cardiff Institute for the Blind (CIB)

website accessibility rating: excellent what the website accessibility rating means

The Cardiff Institute for the Blind (CIB) is an independent local voluntary organisation devoted to the welfare of Visually Impaired people within the counties of Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan. The CIB needs the support of local people, both financially and as volunteers to continue and develop its work.

Additional notes: none

Website Reviews [beta feature]

Swansea Council for Voluntary Service

website accessibility rating: fair what the website accessibility rating means

Swansea Council for Voluntary Service is the umbrella organisation for voluntary activity throughout the City & County of Swansea, supporting, developing and representing voluntary organisations, volunteers and communities in Swansea. Whether you are a voluntary organisation looking for information or advice, or a member of the public who would like to find some voluntary work, we can help.

Additional notes: none

Website Reviews [beta feature]

what the accessibility rating means.