promoting accessible websites
Other sub-directories in this section:
If a directory has a '@' symbol after it, then there are further directories within it.
website accessibility rating: excellent
Direct Enquiries working in partnership with two of the United Kingdom's leading charities, RADAR (The Royal Association for Disability and Rehabilitation) and the Employers' Forum on Disability, Direct Enquiries – the nationwide disabled access register gives businesses an opportunity to shout about what disabled access and disabled facilities they currently provide
Additional notes: none
Website Reviews [beta feature]
website accessibility rating: excellent
IT-Can-Help network aims to assist those UK disabled people for whom computers may enhance their quality of life
Additional notes: none
Website Reviews [beta feature]
website accessibility rating: excellent
National Industries for the Blind creates, sustains and improves employment and technical assistance for blind people
Additional notes: none
Website Reviews [beta feature]
website accessibility rating: excellent
Transport and General Workers' Union - the campaigning union throughout Britain and Ireland.
Additional notes: none
Website Reviews (1) [beta feature]
website accessibility rating: excellent
WebEQuality online Disability Equality Training site
Additional notes: none
Website Reviews [beta feature]
website accessibility rating: good
Fundraising jobs and hundreds of charity jobs of all kinds, UK. Good job there's CharityJOB!
Additional notes: none
Website Reviews [beta feature]
website accessibility rating: good
Leonard Cheshire Disability and Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou are delighted to be joining forces to find the UK's disabled entrepreneur of the Year.
Additional notes: none
Website Reviews [beta feature]
website accessibility rating: good
Shaw Trust is a national charity that provides training and work opportunities for people who are disadvantaged in the labour market due to disability, ill health or other social circumstances.
Additional notes: none
Website Reviews [beta feature]
website accessibility rating: good
Website for amicus-lgbt (formerly known as LAGIM), a networking group for lesbians, gay men, bisexual and trans people in the amicus trade union
Additional notes: none
Website Reviews [beta feature]
website accessibility rating: fair
Blink is a fundraising Not For Profit organisation that raises funds and awareness for the blind and visually impaired community.Based in Hampshire and operated from Basingstoke, we promote independent living and information services, as well as supply talking products not to mention raise the much needed funds for research.
Additional notes: none
Website Reviews [beta feature]
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