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Accessible Canadian charities websites

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Christian Blind Mission International (CBMI) Canada

website accessibility rating: fair what the website accessibility rating means

CBMI is leading the world in preventing and curing blindness and offering enabling care to blind and ortherwise disabled people in the developing world - translating God's love in action. /

Additional notes: none

Website Reviews [beta feature]

Hospital Employees' Union

website accessibility rating: fair what the website accessibility rating means

The Hospital Employees’ Union is the largest health care union in British Columbia, Canada.Our 43,000 members work in every area of health care, including community health and community social services. We work for public, non-profit, and private employers.

Additional notes: none

Website Reviews [beta feature]

Social Planning and Research Council of British Columbia

website accessibility rating: fair what the website accessibility rating means

The Social Planning and Research Council of British Columbia (SPARC). SPARC BC focuses on community development, income security, and accessibility. We manage the Parking Permit Program for People with Disabilities and provide social Research and Consulting services.

Additional notes: none

Website Reviews [beta feature]

Make-A-Wish Canada

website accessibility rating: average what the website accessibility rating means

Make-A-Wish® in Canada consists of eight regional Chapters and the Canada Office, which is located in Toronto, Ontario. Our mission is to grant wishes to create hope and happiness for children with life-threatening illnesses across Canada.

Additional notes: none

Website Reviews [beta feature]

Operation Eyesight

website accessibility rating: average what the website accessibility rating means

Operation Eyesight is a Canadian non-profit organization, working since 1963 in places like South Asia and Africa to support local eye doctors, educators and community leaders in their efforts to fight blindness.

Additional notes: none

Website Reviews [beta feature]

Planned Lifetime Advocacy Network (PLAN)

website accessibility rating: average what the website accessibility rating means

Planned Lifetime Advocacy Network (PLAN) is a non-profit organization, established in 1989 by and for families committed to future planning and securing a good life for their relative with a disability.

Additional notes: none

Website Reviews [beta feature]

Pages: 1 [2]

what the accessibility rating means.