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Accessible Web Design Europe websites

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website accessibility rating: excellent what the website accessibility rating means

Profesjonalne projektowanie stron i aplikacji internetowych, z naciskiem na funkcjonalno¶æ, dostêpno¶æ, bezpieczeñstwo i szybko¶æ dzia³ania. /

Additional notes: none

Website Reviews [beta feature]


website accessibility rating: excellent what the website accessibility rating means

Erigena is a Irish Web-Development company with strong roots in accessibility.We offer Expert accessibility Audits and web-development services.

Additional notes: none

Website Reviews [beta feature]


website accessibility rating: excellent what the website accessibility rating means

Neducation utvecklar framtidens sajter!

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Website Reviews [beta feature]


website accessibility rating: excellent what the website accessibility rating means

Snelsite is het nieuwe content management systeem van Media Design, en maakt moderne, toegankelijke websites in een handomdraai. Daarbij is Snelsite gemakkelijk te gebruiken voor iedereen, HTML ervaring is niet nodig om je eigen site met Snelsite te ontwikkelen. /

Additional notes: none

Website Reviews [beta feature]

Web Perfectionist

website accessibility rating: excellent what the website accessibility rating means

Promoting clean, ethical, accessible and elegant websites.

Additional notes: none

Website Reviews [beta feature]

Webbutler (text version)

website accessibility rating: excellent what the website accessibility rating means

Unter "Barrierefreiheit" versteht man die Darstellung einer Web-Site optimiert für Sehbehinderte und Blinde - sowie in selteneren Fällen auch körperbehinderten und gehörlosen Nutzern des Internets.

Additional notes: none

Website Reviews [beta feature]

ena Webstudio

website accessibility rating: excellent what the website accessibility rating means

Das ena Webstudio bietet barrierefreies Webdesign in Verbindung mit modernen Layouts. /

Additional notes: none

Website Reviews [beta feature]

Cb2 Web Design

website accessibility rating: good what the website accessibility rating means

O nosso objectivo é fornecer a particulares, profissionais liberais e pequenas e médias empresas, soluções práticas e de custo acessível para uma presença na Internet, tendo em vista uma divulgação mais ampla e efectiva dos seus serviços, actividades e produtos.

Additional notes: none

Website Reviews [beta feature]

Creisi Productions

website accessibility rating: good what the website accessibility rating means

Wir realisieren Internet-Auftritte für Klein- und Mittelbetriebe zu fairen Preisen - creisi productions, CH-Luzern. - Sie finden bei uns auch kostenlose Tipps und Werkzeuge zur Promotion Ihrer Website. /

Additional notes: none

Website Reviews [beta feature]

Funka Nu

website accessibility rating: good what the website accessibility rating means

Funka är marknadsledande på tillgänglighet.Vi analyserar, utvecklar och utbildar. Vi ger stöd, testar och sätter normer. Vi finns med i referens- och arbetsgrupper på nationell och internationell nivå. Vi har 80 procent av Sveriges myndigheter som kunder. Vi brukar säga att vi kan ta vilket gränssnitt som helst och göra det tillgängligt...

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Website Reviews [beta feature]

Pages: [1] 2 3

what the accessibility rating means.